The Triped™ reproduces the human lower body. With a height at approx. 29 inches, it offers opposition closer to a real game situation.
The Triped™ weighs 570g and has a compact storage form that allows it to be easily transported.
The Triped™ can be used as an opponent, a warm-up accessory, an obstacle, a target, a goal, a marker, delimiting an area and many more...
In addition to helping the athlete developping individual skills, the Triped™ allows coaches to introduce game concept and strategy drills improving the athlete's game intelligence .
The Triped™ forces the athlete to keep the head up
Many sports require athlete to keep the head up to see the surroundings.
The Triped™ has been designed to meet this need. By reproducing an opponent, it allows the athlete to practice reacting as in real game situation.
The Triped™ is easy to store and to transport, in addition to being very safe
The Triped™ is light and its storing form makes it easy to store and to transport.
The materials used for the Triped™ make it very safe.